Static ketos::function::SYSTEM_FNS [] [src]

pub static SYSTEM_FNS: [SystemFn; 65] = [SystemFn{arity: Min(0),
          callback: fn_add,
              Some("Returns the sum of all arguments.\n\nGiven no arguments, returns the additive identity, `0`."),},
 SystemFn{arity: Min(1),
          callback: fn_sub,
              Some("Returns the cumulative difference between successive arguments."),},
 SystemFn{arity: Min(0),
          callback: fn_mul,
              Some("Returns the product of all arguments.\n\nGiven no arguments, returns the multiplicative identity, `1`."),},
 SystemFn{arity: Exact(2),
          callback: fn_pow,
          doc: Some("Returns a base value raised to an exponent."),},
 SystemFn{arity: Min(1),
          callback: fn_div,
              Some("Returns the cumulative quotient of successive arguments."),},
 SystemFn{arity: Min(1),
          callback: fn_floor_div,
              Some("Returns the cumulative quotient of successive arguments,\nrounded toward negative infinity."),},
 SystemFn{arity: Exact(2),
          callback: fn_rem,
          doc: Some("Returns the remainder of two arguments."),},
 SystemFn{arity: Exact(2),
          callback: fn_shl,
              Some("Returns an integer, bit shifted left by a given number."),},
 SystemFn{arity: Exact(2),
          callback: fn_shr,
              Some("Returns an integer, bit shifted right by a given number."),},
 SystemFn{arity: Min(2),
          callback: fn_eq,
              Some("Returns whether the given arguments compare equal to one another.\n\nValues of different types may not be compared. Attempts to do so will\nresult in an error."),},
 SystemFn{arity: Min(2),
          callback: fn_ne,
              Some("Returns whether each given argument differs in value from each other argument.\n\nValues of different types may not be compared. Attempts to do so will\nresult in an error."),},
 SystemFn{arity: Min(2),
          callback: fn_weak_eq,
              Some("Returns whether the given arguments compare equal to one another.\n\nComparing values of different types will yield `false`."),},
 SystemFn{arity: Min(2),
          callback: fn_weak_ne,
              Some("Returns whether the given arguments compare not equal to one another.\n\nComparing values of different types will yield `true`."),},
 SystemFn{arity: Min(2),
          callback: fn_lt,
              Some("Returns whether each argument compares less than each successive argument.\n\nValues of different types may not be compared. Attempts to do so will\nresult in an error."),},
 SystemFn{arity: Min(2),
          callback: fn_gt,
              Some("Returns whether each argument compares greater than each successive argument.\n\nValues of different types may not be compared. Attempts to do so will\nresult in an error."),},
 SystemFn{arity: Min(2),
          callback: fn_le,
              Some("Returns whether each argument compares less than or equal to each\nsuccessive argument.\n\nValues of different types may not be compared. Attempts to do so will\nresult in an error."),},
 SystemFn{arity: Min(2),
          callback: fn_ge,
              Some("Returns whether each argument compares greater than or equal to each\nsuccessive argument.\n\nValues of different types may not be compared. Attempts to do so will\nresult in an error."),},
 SystemFn{arity: Min(1),
          callback: fn_zero,
          doc: Some("Returns whether all given values are equal to zero."),},
 SystemFn{arity: Min(1),
          callback: fn_max,
          doc: Some("Returns the greatest value of given arguments."),},
 SystemFn{arity: Min(1),
          callback: fn_min,
          doc: Some("Returns the least value of given arguments."),},
 SystemFn{arity: Min(1),
          callback: fn_append,
          doc: Some("Append a series of elements to a given list."),},
 SystemFn{arity: Exact(2),
          callback: fn_elt,
              Some("Returns an element from a sequence, starting at zero index."),},
 SystemFn{arity: Min(1),
          callback: fn_concat,
          doc: Some("Concatenates a series of sequences."),},
 SystemFn{arity: Min(1),
          callback: fn_join,
              Some("Joins a series of lists or strings and chars using a separator value."),},
 SystemFn{arity: Exact(1),
          callback: fn_len,
              Some("Returns the length of the given sequence.\n\nString length is in bytes rather than characters."),},
 SystemFn{arity: Range(2, 3),
          callback: fn_slice,
          doc: Some("Returns a subsequence of a list or string."),},
 SystemFn{arity: Exact(1),
          callback: fn_first,
              Some("Returns the first element of the given list or string."),},
 SystemFn{arity: Exact(1),
          callback: fn_second,
          doc: Some("Returns the second element of the given list."),},
 SystemFn{arity: Exact(1),
          callback: fn_last,
              Some("Returns the last element of the given list or string."),},
 SystemFn{arity: Exact(1),
          callback: fn_init,
              Some("Returns all but the last element of the given list or string."),},
 SystemFn{arity: Exact(1),
          callback: fn_tail,
              Some("Returns all but the first element of the given list or string."),},
 SystemFn{arity: Min(0),
          callback: fn_list,
              Some("Returns a list of values. In contrast with the `\'(a b c ...)` list\nconstruction syntax, this function will evaluate each of its arguments."),},
 SystemFn{arity: Exact(1),
          callback: fn_reverse,
          doc: Some("Returns a list in reverse order."),},
 SystemFn{arity: Exact(1),
          callback: fn_abs,
              Some("Returns the absolute value of the given numerical value."),},
 SystemFn{arity: Exact(1),
          callback: fn_ceil,
              Some("Returns a number value rounded toward positive infinity."),},
 SystemFn{arity: Exact(1),
          callback: fn_floor,
              Some("Returns a number value rounded toward negative infinity."),},
 SystemFn{arity: Exact(1),
          callback: fn_round,
              Some("Returns a number rounded to the nearest integer.\nRounds half-way cases away from zero."),},
 SystemFn{arity: Exact(1),
          callback: fn_trunc,
          doc: Some("Returns a number rounded toward zero."),},
 SystemFn{arity: Exact(1),
          callback: fn_int,
              Some("Truncates a float or ratio value and returns its whole portion as an integer.\n\nIf the given value is infinite or `NaN`, an error will result."),},
 SystemFn{arity: Exact(1),
          callback: fn_float,
          doc: Some("Returns the given value as a floating point value."),},
 SystemFn{arity: Min(0),
          callback: fn_inf,
              Some("Returns whether all given arguments are equal to positive or negative infinity.\n\nGiven no arguments, returns the value of positive infinity."),},
 SystemFn{arity: Min(0),
          callback: fn_nan,
              Some("Returns whether all given arguments are equal to `NaN`.\n\nGiven no arguments, returns the value of `NaN`."),},
 SystemFn{arity: Exact(1),
          callback: fn_denom,
          doc: Some("Returns the denominator of a ratio."),},
 SystemFn{arity: Exact(1),
          callback: fn_fract,
          doc: Some("Returns the fractional portion of a float or ratio."),},
 SystemFn{arity: Exact(1),
          callback: fn_numer,
          doc: Some("Returns the numerator of a ratio."),},
 SystemFn{arity: Range(1, 2),
          callback: fn_rat,
          doc: Some("Returns the given numerical value as a ratio."),},
 SystemFn{arity: Exact(1),
          callback: fn_recip,
              Some("Returns the reciprocal of the given numeric value.\n\nIf the value is of type integer, the value returned will be a ratio."),},
 SystemFn{arity: Exact(1),
          callback: fn_chars,
              Some("Returns a string transformed into a list of characters."),},
 SystemFn{arity: Exact(1),
          callback: fn_string,
          doc: Some("Returns an argument converted into a string."),},
 SystemFn{arity: Exact(1),
          callback: fn_path,
          doc: Some("Returns an argument converted into a path."),},
 SystemFn{arity: Exact(1),
          callback: fn_bytes,
          doc: Some("Returns an argument converted into a byte string."),},
 SystemFn{arity: Exact(1),
          callback: fn_id,
              Some("Returns the unmodified value of the argument received."),},
 SystemFn{arity: Exact(2),
          callback: fn_is,
              Some("    (is type value)\n\nReturns whether a given expression matches the named type.\n\n`is` also accepts `\'number` as a type name, which matches `integer`, `float`,\nand `ratio` type values."),},
 SystemFn{arity: Exact(2),
          callback: fn_is_instance,
              Some("    (is-instance def value)\n\nReturns whether a given struct value is an instance of\nthe named struct definition."),},
 SystemFn{arity: Exact(1),
          callback: fn_null,
          doc: Some("Returns whether the given value is unit, `()`."),},
 SystemFn{arity: Exact(1),
          callback: fn_type_of,
              Some("Returns a name representing the type of the given value."),},
 SystemFn{arity: Exact(2),
          callback: fn_dot,
              Some("    (. value field-name)\n\nAccesses a field from a struct value."),},
 SystemFn{arity: Min(1),
          callback: fn_dot_eq,
              Some("    (.= struct :field value)\n\nReturns a new struct value with named fields replaced with new values."),},
 SystemFn{arity: Min(1),
          callback: fn_new,
              Some("    (new struct-def :field value)\n\nCreates a struct value."),},
 SystemFn{arity: Min(1),
          callback: fn_format,
          doc: Some("Returns a formatted string."),},
 SystemFn{arity: Min(1),
          callback: fn_print,
          doc: Some("Prints a formatted string to `stdout`."),},
 SystemFn{arity: Min(1),
          callback: fn_println,
              Some("Prints a formatted string to `stdout`, followed by a newline."),},
 SystemFn{arity: Range(0, 1),
          callback: fn_panic,
              Some("Immediately interrupts execution upon evaluation.\n\nIt accepts an optional parameter describing the reason for the panic."),},
 SystemFn{arity: Exact(2),
          callback: fn_xor,
              Some("Returns the exclusive-or of the given boolean values."),},
 SystemFn{arity: Exact(1),
          callback: fn_not,
          doc: Some("Returns the inverse of the given boolean value."),}]

System function implementations.

These names must correspond exactly to the first NUM_SYSTEM_FNS standard names defined in